
Personalized Sound & Music in XR

You no longer need to fly a small aircraft emitting smoke in specific patterns to create Skywriting messages! 🚫 πŸ›© πŸ’¨

Thanks to Bob Bjarke's creativity and 8th Wall tech, anyone using a mobile device with a web browser can experience this world-facing augmented reality (AR) experience using webAR, eliminating the need for AR platforms like Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat which some of your audience might not have on their mobile device.

This world-facing (not selfie) AR effect pairs well with cultural moments, such as graduation season. To add a personalized touch, I took immersion a step further by adding contextual sound using the traditional "Pomp and Circumstances" song, and an elementary school playground ambience which adds depth to the experience you can hear in the first pass, then omitted as the video repeats.

To enable such personalized sound in XR experiences, people need creative sound, music, and voice enhancements, including custom spatial audio placement, creative content, AI-assisted placement of sonic content, post-production editing capabilities, and user-generated content. Foundational and advanced features like this will result in immersive personalized consumables that are engaging and entertaining, leading to increased shares, views, and imitation by others who want to join in on the fun!


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